Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Little About Myself

Here's a little about me. My name is Tawni Raquel Froese. I am a 19 Junior working on my Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics and a minor in Finance. I just moved back to Alaska this year from Hawaii. I was born here in Fairbanks and I am happy to be back in my hometown to finish this degree. I am a mother, a new one at that. I just had my first daughter, Hudson Levine, In July. Juggling 18 credits and her will surely be a challenge but it is one I am looking forward to. I live on the Chena River which is an amazing luxury for me and a dream come true for my chocolate lab Lucy. I plan on using my degree to become an analyst focusing on a career in natural resources.
I have a variety of experience in the arts. I would by no means consider myself a professional, however I do find creating art to be a great expression of emotion and feeling. I have trained in charcoal pieces, acrylic paint, and watercolor. Of all these pieces my favorite medium is acrylic. I love the dimension and the edgy theme that is available through these types of pieces. As far as music, I do not know how to play any instruments. I used to be able to play the drum set, however that skill set is lost now. I have been to several concerts however they were all modern popular bands such as Nickelback and One Direction. My knowledge of classical music at this time is extremely limited. 
Below is a site to describe the path through history to post modern art:

Post Modern Art


  1. One of the best things about online education is the flexibility it gives mothers. I wish you the all the best as you juggle parenthood and your path to a career.
